A Technological Tango
The idiomatic expression, 'it takes two to tango', suggests that more than one person or entity is in an intricate connection and that both are actively involved in the conflict. This can be correlated with humans' relationships with technology. Technology, itself, isn't necessarily a bad thing; however, if misused, it can cause harmful effects. It's the idea of action and reaction. If technology is used sparingly and for the purpose of good (such as strengthening a relationship), then it promotes astounding growth and innovation, but negative consequences can damage us if we exploited our ability to utilize technology. Technology influences every aspect of our daily lives and is constantly surrounding us. We use it to communicate, learn, and problem-solve. Furthermore, it provides everyone a voice in the community, and knowledge can be shared easily and freely on a global scale like never before. Technology has drastically evolved our world by launching us into ...