Ideas for Isolation

Coronavirus: Your 12-step guide to passing the time in quarantineLife hasn't been the same for many people these past few months due to the Coronavirus. Since schools and non-essential workplaces are close, everyone has made life adjustments. Many people are tired of continuously hearing medical news reports and reminders of the unfortunate circumstances of reality. Social distancing and home lockdown limit the activities one can do so many have to think of creative ways to relieve their stress and enjoy time at home. There is plenty of fun, entertaining ideas to make the most of this predicament such as bingeing the Netflix docuseries, "Tiger King" or game nights on video calls with your friends and family. It is important that we stay connected during these times for our mental health and also to stay physically active. Taking a walk or a bike ride are just a few examples. People can even take a virtual workout class if they are missing the gym. Also, many events like birthday parties, weddings, and graduations are put on hold, so video calling is a perfect way to celebrate these milestones. Many people have done parades in cars for these celebrations to still support each other.

Video gaming and puzzles have really become popular as a way to relieve stress and mitigate anxiety. People can learn new hobbies or skills such as cooking, crafting, or playing an instrument. Plus, many colleges and businesses are opening free courses and software for anyone to use. Also, there are so many movies and videos on streaming services for people to spend hours on. Immerse yourself into an interesting podcast, discover some new music, or engage in an enjoyable read. While many of the concerts and events are canceled or postponed, many artists are still performing online and interacting with fans. Furthermore, the app, TikTok, has endless content for users to get inspired by or at least cure boredom. If you are looking to escape your home, explore the numerous virtual tours around the world. While you can't actually travel there, you can still visit in the comfort and safety of your home.

These are just a few of the endless possibilities of entertainment at home. I hope you find a new passion or rekindle an old. Don't let a day go by wasted despite being stuck at home. Look at this situation as an opportunity to do things you wouldn't get to normally do and appreciate these moments.

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