The Values of Freedom of Expression

Free speech online: solving thorny issues together - Internet Citizen
Freedom of expression is essential in today's constantly evolving world. It is crucial that we as a community encourage diverse beliefs, perspectives, conversations. This exposure to divergent viewpoints enables us to gain an understanding of each other and the topics discussed. Additionally, it facilitates open debate and allows proper consideration of all opinions. The assorted perceptions are the fundamental values of democracy and are implemented in our constitution. Free expression, guaranteed under the First Amendment, permits people or a group of people to express their beliefs, thoughts, ideas, and emotions about different issues free from government censorship. Furthermore, it is essential to individual liberty and is enforced through the Eight Values of Free Expression. 

Out of the Eight Values of Free Expression, I believe the promotion of innovation, is a necessary component of expression. The definition of innovation is difficult to establish; however, many express it as the creation and application of unique ideas. Innovation is a process and requires collaboration, experimentation, and implementation. According to Jack Balkin, the author of Living Originalism, a society thrives when free speech is valued and preserved. He explains that the opportunity to create and design energizes citizens to actively formulate and accomplish fascinating ideas. It facilitates communication among creators, growth in ideas, and success in new inventions that could revolutionize our culture.

Innovation involves the freedom of creativity, which is the power to imagine and make something new that is original. Creativity is characterized by the ability to observe the world in unprecedented ways, discover patterns, and form connections, and generate solutions. In addition, it is a significant factor for businesses and life in general because the world is changing and so should our ideas. If one cannot create freely, then they cannot fulfill their plans as they desire. 

Without creation there cannot be implementation; therefore, the application of discovery is the foundation of free expression and coincides with the other seven values. We need innovation to be able to freely express ourselves and establish our perspectives with the world. While we must protect the expression of all ideas, we must also maintain an inclusive and nondiscriminatory environment. There are certain limitations to this freedom of expression; however, these boundaries are in place for safety rather than to hinder our creative minds. Freedom of expression signifies that ideas are meant to be created, communicated, and then eventually executed. 

The video above is a celebration of American innovators, who explain their passion for their creation and describe the importance of exploration of ideas. 

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