A Technological Tango

how technology has changed our world
The idiomatic expression, 'it takes two to tango', suggests that more than one person or entity is in an intricate connection and that both are actively involved in the conflict. This can be correlated with humans' relationships with technology.  Technology, itself, isn't necessarily a bad thing; however, if misused, it can cause harmful effects. It's the idea of action and reaction. If technology is used sparingly and for the purpose of good (such as strengthening a relationship), then it promotes astounding growth and innovation, but negative consequences can damage us if we exploited our ability to utilize technology. Technology influences every aspect of our daily lives and is constantly surrounding us. We use it to communicate, learn, and problem-solve. Furthermore, it provides everyone a voice in the community, and knowledge can be shared easily and freely on a global scale like never before. Technology has drastically evolved our world by launching us into modern times. We have access to a tremendous amount of information at the touch of our fingertips which is amazing, yet disastrous.

Unfortunately, technology hurts our health and society. We are addicted to technology which is changing our mind and body. Our brains, posture, and eyesight have had negative results due to the obsession. We are challenged more to focus, be active, and be aware of our mental health to avoid these outcomes. Furthermore, many argue it replaces real human connection and social skills one might not otherwise experience. Every generation these days are struggling to verbally communicate or detach themselves from their technology once in a while. Technology can both mediate close relationships, which helps with maintaining happiness, or can be detrimental through a lack of intimacy.

Technology, broadly defined, is the knowledge techniques, skills, and processes used in the creation of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives. Technology was previously considered the development and use of basic tools. In prehistoric times, technology was the discovery of how to controlling fire which increased the available sources of food. Historic times, included the printing press, the telephone, and currently it is social media and artificial hearts. Technology has emerged rapidly and many have debated if it improves the human condition and how far should it implicate itself into our lives. Questions of how much should technology rule our lives have often been deliberated. Ethical questions in technology are majorly being considered, as we continue to excel in transforming our ways of life.

The video below describes our evolution of technology from the past, to present, to possibly the future and ethical issues scientists are investigating as they continue to advance tomorrow's technology.

We can all hopefully acknowledge that technology can both assist and hurt us in our health, relationships, and society. It affects personal selves as well as external factors such as the economy or the environment. Technology has truly revolutionized the world. We have made so much beneficial progress, even with some counteractive problems, but everything hangs in the balance of what humans decide to do next.

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