Music for Our Mental Health

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Many studies have been conducted that prove how beneficial listening to music is on our mental health. According to researchers at Deakin University in Victoria, Australia, most people who actively engage with music reported higher levels of happiness. Their discovery is like many others; therefore, they decided to examine the different modes of music. Similar to the first experiment, their data was from random self-reported Australian citizens who were surveyed on their music consumption and levels of pleasure. They categorized the mediums of music into six activities: listening, singing, playing an instrument, dancing, composing, and attending music-oriented events (concerts, musicals, etc). The results displayed that dancing and attending events produced greater levels of contentment than just listening. This could be reasoned because we have a stronger emotional and social connection when participating in those hobbies. It should be noted that the relationships seemingly formed are not always the causation for the outcomes.

Another study establishes that listening to music every day actually improves our wellbeings. While many people already currently listen to music as a daily routine, there is now a more methodical way to listen to music. The study was commissioned by Deezer, a music streaming service, and the British Academy of Sound Therapy. Their findings deduce that humans should listen to at least 78 minutes of music per day to maintain a healthy lifestyle. They even have a formula for types of music people should listen to during the 78 minutes in order to balance the brain.
  • 14 minutes of "uplifting" music to feel happy.
  • 16 minutes of "calming" music to feel relaxed.
  • 16 minutes of whatever you choose to overcome sadness.
  • 15 minutes of "motivating" music to aid concentration.
  • 17 minutes of whatever you choose to help manage your anger.

Even if you don't have 78 minutes to listen to music, 11 minutes can still offer a therapeutic moment for yourself. No matter how or when you listen to music, all of the studies confirm that music affects us on a psychological level. Our relationship with music is necessary for connections with others or connections with our emotions. Music is critical for our mental states on a daily basis and helps with relaxation and happiness. So put on your favorite jams and let it distract you from life's troubles. 

Related Articles:
Are Music and Happiness Linked?
New Study: 78 Minutes of Music a Day Improves Mental Health


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