Eliminating Pressure in a Post

Throughout our lifetime, we come into contact with a multitude of numbers that represent our identity. The numbers could reference our social security, our class ranking, or even our order from Cook Out. However, we can also give that number some power by employing it to judge our self-worth. Our posts on social media reflect our identity and we put value to the number of likes we receive on that post. While we communicate to express ourselves, we can also exhibit social stigmas that damage others and even ourselves. The relationship majorly impacts today's society and instills a mental toll on many.

Image result for likes on instagramInstagram, one of the leading social media applications, has millions of people interacting on it every day. Numerous people spend hours mindlessly scrolling and assessing photos worldwide. Influencers promote themselves and products creating a social media economy where likes are currency. Every day people share our lifestyles, milestones, and connect simply by clicking "follow".  Instagram is for anyone and everyone worldwide. Unfortunately, Instagram encompasses a darker side which is sometimes detrimental to people's health.

Due to the rise in social media use, there is increased popularity for the mental health movement. Many people's health is degraded when others post negative comments or they stress over the number of likes and followers they have. Adam Mosseri, the leader of Instagram, has a solution, "Project Daisy" to maintain the platform as a safe space. The concept is to eliminate viewers from seeing how many "hearts" your photo receives. The poster will still be aware of their like status, but the public cannot see the amount. Mosseri fears that the people's need for approval is a consequence of the ability to see how many likes a photo acquires. This plan will be implemented slowly and meticulously for leaders to evaluate the results and avoid past mistakes.

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